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Meet our team

From all parts of the South East coming to connect, share, and build each other up in Christ. Together we can Ignite the Holy Spirit within us and move towards what God has called us to do.


Meet Our District Director

As the elders of the church often say "the young people are the backbone of the church," therefore when we are concern about the spiritual lives of the young people we naturally for those who can best influence them. We thank God after more than 10 years of organizing camps for middle and high school students, God showed us the importance of caring for college and post-college young people. By the grace of God Ignite was established.

Pastor Nguyen Thanh Phien & his wife Thanh Huong
VAYSE Director

-connect here-

Meet Our Ignite Team Directors

Meet Our Subcommittees


Sarah Le
Jacksonville, FL


Hi my name is Sarah also Sarahchi!

I serve under the programming committee so feel free to reach out if you have any questions about activities or the day of the event! God has a lot in store for us so don’t miss out!

Can’t wait to see everyone there 😀


Ky Tran


I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Philippians 4:13
This verse gives me encouragement especially in times of trials. I'm reminded that God is with me and I can endure all things with contentment.


Vicki Le
Jacksonville, FL



Hey you! Since you’re reading this, might as well come and talk to me! LOL. I think God has a very unique way of getting things done. If He leads you to this website, let it be a sign for you to reach out and learn more about the love of Christ. I look forward to meeting you :)

⁃ your favorite physical therapist


Ben Vo
Orlando, FL


 "a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
Proverbs 17:17

I think that this verse is a reminder to remember the importance of friendships that we have with others. also, it shows the depth of relationships that we can have with others that we consider brothers or sisters in Christ. throughout the hardships in our lives, we can find solace in others.

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Alice Tran
South Florida, FL


Jesus is my joy and strength, and I hope that others can experience that too! I’m excited to continue to grow and serve with our team and throughout this conference. Let’s encourage each other and be a generation that seeks God’s heart!


Tiffany Nguyen
Jacksonville, FL


Hey guys! My name is Tiffany Nguyen.
I am currently serving as a member on the external committee with Ignite. I can’t wait to have fellowship and worship with one another this year!


Joey Nguyen


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. "
Hebrews 11:1


A lot of my decisions and trust has been based on that verse and it has truly gotten me to where I’m at today


Amy Le
Orlando, FL


It’s all in the details — I love to be in the moment to experience how God pieces life altogether for the good without our intervention. Currently chasing my calling through creating art. I’m passionate about words and music, and I’m pumped to worship with you all this upcoming fall!


Joshua Dang
St. Petersburg, FL



But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

I thank God for the opportunity to help out with this ministry to share the good news and our need for a savior through the building of relationships and friendships.

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