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May 27-28

Lake Wales, FL

Family Camp
English Ministry

Family camp is a retreat for all members of the region to come together to worship, fellowship, and be refreshed. It's an opportunity to be reminded of the big family God has for us.


This year's theme is Finishing the Race of Faith 

Hebrews 12:1-3



VAYSE Leadership workshop

We invite you to join us this summer for a one-day event to learn about â€‹


  • What’s your story? (Testimony)

  • Am I Listening Well? (Communication)

  • Leading Bible Study for Dummies


Audience: all leaders-current leaders

Where: Vietnamese Alliance Church Orlando

            3300 S Bumby Ave, Orlando Fl 32806




June 10, 2023

Orlando, FL

VAYSE Events

Summer Camp

july 14-16,2023

a middle/high  school camp
college and career "small group counselor" opportunity

Virtual Team Meeting

English Ministry conference

July 1-4, 2023

For middle/high  school College & Career and Young families

Open to leaders and emerging leaders in the Vietnamese Alliance for the equipping of the next generation. We will be offering in the morning workshops hosted on Zoom. There will be workshops Afterwards in the evening, there will be a time of in-person fellowship, worship, and a message.

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Past VAYSE Events

VAY Fall Gathering
Virtual Team Meeting

Spring Gathering

For middle/high  school College & Career and Young families

Open to leaders and emerging leaders in the Vietnamese Alliance for the equipping of the next generation. We will be offering in the morning workshops hosted on Zoom. There will be workshops Afterwards in the evening, there will be a time of in-person fellowship, worship, and a message.

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Day of prayer

This June we set aside a day for churches to ask God to move through this conference. It is a time for churches to pray not only for their own youth and young adult ministries but also for the next generation.

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Fellowship not only with each other but with Christ. 

Reality: Christ wants us to have a relationship and fellowship with Him and with each other.


“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Revelations 3:20 NIV

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